PLENARY I: Single Antenna MIMO Transceivers: A New Challenge for Signal Processing


Prof. Ralf Mueller

Norwegian University of Technology - NTNU (Trondheim, Norway) 




New kinds of MIMO transceivers are explored which are composed of only a single dipole antenna surrounded by parasitic elements in close vicinity (can be much closer than a wavelength). Steering the conductivity of these parasitic elements within fractions of a symbol duration and oversampling the received signal at the dipole at an appropriate rate, a similar effect as with a multi-element MIMO antenna can be achieved. This reduction in physical size is achieved at the expense of some drawbacks with respect to complexity of the required signal processing, power efficiency and resistance to adjacent channel interference.


Bio of the speaker:


Ralf R. Müller was born in Schwabach, Germany, 1970. He received the Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.Ing. degree with distinction from University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in 1996 and 1999, respectively. From 2000 to 2004, he was with Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien (Vienna Telecommunications Research Center) in Vienna, Austria. Since 2005 he has been a full professor at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. He held visiting appointments at Princeton University, U.S.A., Institute Eurecom, France, The University of Melbourne, Australia, and The National University of Singapore and was an adjunct professor at Vienna University of Technology. Dr. Müller received the Leonard G. Abraham Prize (jointly with Sergio Verdú) from the IEEE Communications Society and the Johann-Philipp-Reis Prize (jointly with Robert Fischer). He was also presented an award by the Vodafone Foundation for Mobile Communications and two more awards from the German Information Technology Society (ITG). Dr. Müller is currently serving as an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.




PLENARY II: Cross Layer Optimization in Large Wireless Networks using Stochastic Geometry


Prof. Francois Baccelli

Ecole Normale  Superieure  (Paris, France) 




The geometry of the location of mobiles and/or base stations plays a key role in several classes of wireless communication networks where it determines the signal to interference ratio for each potential channel and hence the possibility of establishing simultaneously some set of communications at a given bit rate. Stochastic geometry provides a natural way of defining and computing macroscopic properties of such networks, by some averaging over all potential geometrical patterns for e.g. the mobiles. The talk will survey recent results obtained by this approach for analyzing key properties of wireless networks such as coverage or connectivity, and for evaluating the performance of a variety of protocols used in this context such as medium access control or routing.


Bio of the speaker:


Francois Baccelli got his "doctorat d'etat" from Universite Paris-Sud in 1983. He then held research positions with INRIA Rocquencourt until 1987 and with INRIA Sophia Antipolis until 1998. He was also a part time professor at Ecole Polytechnique, from 1991 until 2003. He is currently INRIA "directeur de recherche" in the computer science department of Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris, where he started a new research group on communication networks in 1999.

F. Baccelli is a specialist of the stochastic modeling and the design of networks. His current research interests are focused on two topics: the analysis and control of large IP networks and the development of new tools for assessing and exploiting the capacity of wireless access networks. He coauthored two books: one on queuing theory with P. Bremaud and one on discrete event networks with G. Cohen, G.J. Olsder and J.P. Quadrat. He was a partner in several European projects, like IMSE, ALAPEDES and EURONGI, and he was the coordinator of the QMIPS Basic Research Action. F. Baccelli is a member of the French Academy of Sciences.




PLENARY III: A Random-Channel Graph-Theoretic Perspective of Wireless Networks



Dr. Bertrand Hochwald

Chief Scientist, Beceem Communications, USA




There are many parameters that govern data flows in wireless networks, among them: mobility, usage, service, and connectivity. The connectivity between nodes clearly has a strong influence on the way data passes between nodes and the total data traffic possible in the entire network. Unlike wireline networks, where increased connectivity generally leads to increased flow, in wireless networks increased connectivity can also lead to increased interference and therefore possibly reduced flow. I discuss a model where connectivity is driven by a purely random event, such as the existence of an obstacle, and show how the choice of random event can have a large influence on traffic flows in a wireless network. Using graph-theoretic tools, I give some implications for an "optimal" amount of connectivity.


Bio of the speaker:


Bertrand Hochwald was born in New York, NY. He received his undergraduate
education from Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA and the M.S. in
electrical engineering from Duke University, Durham, NC. From 1986 to 1989
he worked for the Department of Defense at Fort Meade, MD. In 1989 he
enrolled at Yale University, New Haven, CT, where he received the M.A. in
statistics and the Ph.D. in electrical engineering. In 1995-1996 he was a
research associate at the Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He joined the Mathematics of Communications
Research Department at Lucent Technologies Bell Laboratories in September
1996, where he became a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff in 2002.
He is now with Beceem Communications as their Chief Scientist.

He is the recipient of several achievement awards while employed at the
Department of Defense and the Prize Teaching Fellowship at Yale. He has
served as an editor for several IEEE journals and given plenary and invited
talks on various aspects of signal processing and communications. He has
several patents in the field of wireless communication, and was a co-recipient
of this year's Stephen O. Rice paper award from the IEEE Transactions on





PLENARY IV: On the Sufficiency of Ignorance: Recent Lessons in Network Architecture


Prof. Gregory Wornell

 Massachusetts Institute of Technology -MIT (USA)





With its emphasis on fundamental limits, information theoretic analysis has a long history of providing important architectural insights into the design of efficient communication systems. Frequently, these insights have arisen from uncovering when certain kinds of system constraints do *not* incur a cost in the performance metric of interest. This tradition is alive and well, with many such insights from the community over the past decade or more now influencing the design of several emerging systems. Today, there continues to be much work seeking to uncover additional instances of such phenomena that may prove important in tomorrow's systems. In this talk, I will describe three diverse but representative examples from our own efforts. In particular, I will discuss the problems of parasitic communication, MIMO scheduling, and rateless coding.

Based on a variety of joint works in recent years with subsets of Richard Barron, Brian Chen, Aaron Cohen, Stark Draper, Uri Erez, Emin Martinian, Urs Niesen, Devavrat Shah, Charles Swannack, Elif Uysal-Biyikoglu, and Mitchell Trott.

Bio of the speaker:


 Gregory W. Wornell received the B.A.Sc. degree from the University of British Columbia, Canada, and the S.M. and Ph.D. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, all in electrical engineering and computer science, in 1985, 1987 and 1991, respectively. Since 1991 he has been on the faculty at MIT, where he is Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and leads the Signals, Information, and Algorithms Laboratory. He is also co-director of the Center for Wireless Networking, and Chair of Graduate Area I (Systems, Communication, Control, and Signal Processing) within the department's doctoral program. He has held visiting appointments at the former AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, the University of California, Berkeley, CA, and Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA.

His research interests and publications span the areas of signal processing, digital communication, and information theory, and include algorithms and architectures for wireless and sensor networks, broadband systems, and multimedia environments. He has been involved in the Signal Processing and Information Theory societies of the IEEE in a variety of capacities, and maintains a number of close industrial relationships and activities. He has won a number of awards for both his research and teaching, and is a Fellow of the IEEE.



PLENARY V: Signal processing and spectrum management in multi-user wireline (xDSL) systems


Prof. Marc Moonen

Catholic University of Leuven -KUL (Leuven, Belgium)




In modern Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) systems, multi-user crosstalk is the major source of performance degredation. Multi-user techniques for mitigating crosstalk are based on the coordination of the different users in the network, and this can be done on either a spectral or signal level. We will focus on spectra coordination (`dynamic spectrum management', DSM) as well as multi-user signal coordination (crosstalk cancellation and precoding), as well as on the combination of DSM with partial cancellation, and present optimization procedure as well as simulation results for practical scenarios.


Bio of the speaker:


Marc Moonen received the electrical engineering degree (186) and the PhD degree in applied sciences (1990) from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. Since 2004 he is a Full Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, where he is currently heading a research team of 16 PhD candidates and postdocs, working in the area of numerical algorithms and signal processing for digital communications, wireless communications, DSL and audio signal processing.

He received the 1994 K.U. Leuven Research Council Award, the 1997 Alcatel Bell (Belgium) Award (with Piet Vandaele), the 2004 Alcatel Bell (Belgium) Award (with Raphael Cendrillon), and was a 1997 `Laureate of the Belgium Royal Academy of Science'. He received a journal best paper award from the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (with Geert Leus) and from Elsevier Signal Processing (with Simon Doclo), and 3 conference best paper awards.

He was chairman of the IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Chapter (1998-2002), and is currently a EURASIP AdCom Member (European Association for Signal Processing, 2000-.) and a member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Technicial Committee on Signal Processing for Communications.He has served as Editor-in-Chief for the `EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing' (2003-2005), and has been a member of the editorial board of `IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II' (2002-2003) and `IEEE Signal Processing Magazine' (2003-2005). He is currently, and a member of the editorial board of `Integration, the VLSI Journal', `EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing' and `EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking' and `Signal Processing'.

